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DOGZ Festival 2024

Bernese Mountain Dog pack walk in the heart of Budapest!

Over the weekend, we participated at Hungary’s number one dog event, the DOGZ Festival and Conference in Budapest Városliget, where we promoted the Bernese Mountain Dog and Jack Russell Terrier breeds with our six dogs.

We started the day at the Bernese Mountain Dog pack walk, under the patronage of Jean-François Paroz, the Ambassador of Switzerland to Hungary. The walk was led by the ambassador and Gábor Ziegler – one of the founders of Jacks and Bears–, promoting the breed in a beautiful environment and with significant media attention.

The ambassador asked us for a dog for the pack walk, so he accompanied Daisy on the walk, while Gábor led Magnus. Besides them, Lenná and Penny from our kennel also took part in the walk.

We were thrilled that several dogs from our kennel also joined us, including Ringo, Hugo, Buci and Vilma from the Jacks and Bears family, along with their owners. It was a great family event with lots of Bernese Mountain Dogs.

You can watch the video of the Bernese pack walk here.

Meanwhile, our Jack Russell Terriers weren’t left out either, with two of our dogs, Hermes and Fire, joining the all-breed pack walk that closed the day.

This video highlights even more just how amazing the day was!

Tags: Ambassador, bernese kennel, bernese mountain dog, bernipásztor kennel, breeder, embassy, jack russell, jack russell terrier, nagykövet, nagykövetség, svájc, svájci havasi kutyák, swiss, switzerland, tenyésztő
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