
Everyday cuteness overload full of Jacks and Bears, stay tuned.

Zalaegerszeg CAC

19 September 2021
Zalaegerszeg was our last show in Hungary before the World Dog Show, we entered Bosco, Penny and Karolyn to the second day of the show.

Bosco, sneeze!

02 September 2021
Can Bosco sneeze on command? It’s up to you. Do you have enough treats?

Split, 4 Summer Night Dog Shows 2021

25 July 2021
We’ve never showed any of our dogs at the famous Summer Dog Shows of Split earlier.

Sarajevo Winner

04 July 2021
Our dogs had a great show weekend in Sarajevo!

Latte and Penny

19 May 2021
Latte makes new friendships.

Dog of the Year 2020

10 May 2021
Dog of the Year 2020 We accomplished an extremly successful year at the Hungarian Bernese Mountain Dog Club’s Dog of the Year 2020 point competition.

Our little terriers

18 April 2021
Little terriers

Hermes and the best toy ever

11 April 2021
Hermes found a new toy in the garden

Cindy visited us

21 March 2021
Cindy visited the pack and showed some tricks.

Skopje Challange 2021

27 February 2021
We haven’t been attended any dog shows for a while, so we couldn’t wait this trip to Skopje. We were excited and worried a bit how we could’t prepare our dogs during the quarantine, how our youngsters would deliver.

Outing to the Geodetic Tower

16 February 2021
We had a nice winter excursion to the Geodetic Tower of Margita. This is the best look-out tower in our area.

Dog Activity

10 January 2021
Fire and Karolyn discover Dog Activity. Fire already has some experience, for Carol this is one of the first times.

Contact Information

Annamária and Gábor Ziegler

Veresegyház, Hungary

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