Dog Shows

Skopje Challange 2021

We haven’t been attended any dog shows for a while, so we couldn’t wait this trip to Skopje. We were excited and worried a bit how we could’t prepare our dogs during the quarantine, how our youngsters would deliver.

We started at the terrier specialty, Hermes was ou first dog in the ring.  When we entered the ring I felt home, I felt calmed and confident. Hermes was happy, worked like an angel. He won the breed and topped it with a fourth place in the Best in Show!

At this point it was clear, we were on our way, we would fulfill with flying colours.

Mini entered to the show ring first time and immidiately made a strong impression.  She was awarded with the Best Female title, Best of Opposite Sex!

Fire won the junior class at the afternoon CACIB, and she could repeat this result on Sunday afternoon too.

But at first back to Saturday! Our berners started their performance Saturday afternoon. Tuppen won the CACIB and was awarded with the Best of Breed title, while Penny – who was judged first time among the adults – won the intermediate class and finished with reserve CACIB.

The second day was even better! In the best in show proram of the CAC show Tuppen finished fourth in group2, a bit later Mini finished second in group3! And it wasn’t over… In the Best in Show program of the CACIB Hermes finished 4th place in group3!

All of our dogs finished as new Champion of Macedonia, or new Junior Champion of Macedonia!

It was a great journey, a great show and experience! We’ve enjoyed every second of it!

Our detailed results:


✨Hermes of Energy Jack✨
Terrier Speciality, Champion Class: excellent 1, CAC, Best Male, Best of Breed, Best in Show 4th place
CACIB 1, Champion Class: excellent 2, res CAC
CAC, Champion Class: excellent 1, CAC, Best Male, Best of Opposite Sex
CACIB 2, Champion Class: excellent 1, CAC, Best Male, Best of Breed, Best of Group 4th place
New Champion of Macedonia & Grand Champion of Macedonia!
✨Jackandfish Wildfire✨
CACIB 1, Junior Class: excellent 1, JCAC, JBOB
CACIB 2, Junior Class: excellent 1, JCAC, JBOB
New Junior Champion of Macedonia!
✨Fortuna di Sutri „Mini”✨
Terrier Speciality, Junior Class: excellent 1, JCAC, JBOB, Best of Opposite Sex
CAC, Junior Class: excellent 1, JCAC, JBOB, Best of Breed, Best of Group 2nd place
New Junior Champion of Macedonia!
✨Jacks and Bears Penny Ling✨
CACIB 1, Intermediate Class: excellent 1, CAC, res CACIB
CAC, Intermediate Class: excellent 1, CAC
CACIB 2, Intermediate Class: excellent 1, CAC
New Champion of Macedonia & Grand Champion of Macedonia!
✨Tuppen av Hiselfoss✨
CACIB 1, Champion Class: excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Best Female, Best of Breed, Best of Group 4th place
CAC, Champion Class: excellent 1, CAC, Best Female, Best of Breed
CACIB 2, Champion Class: excellent 1, CAC, res CACIB
New Champion of Macedonia & Grand Champion of Macedonia!

Participating dogs

JRT Specialty Winner at WDS 2020


Dam's name:
Zakkina Goldfinger Energy Jack
Sire's name:
Username Di Sutri
Date of Birth:
26 April 2018
Club Winner of HBMD Club 2021


Dam's name:
Dream Girl Daisy Fowler's Land
Sire's name:
Rocking Bond James Bond
Date of Birth:
24 November 2019
Best in Show at SHKME Specialty 2024


Dam's name:
Lou Lou av Hiselfoss
Sire's name:
Urban av Hiselfoss
Date of Birth:
24 February 2019
Best in Specialty Show


Dam's name:
Valera's Skyfall
Sire's name:
Ariko Koyu Cattivissimo Me
Date of Birth:
18 March 2020
European Dog Show: Open class winner


Dam's name:
Star Dust di Sutri
Sire's name:
Amore di Sutri
Date of Birth:
09 February 2020
bernese kennel
bernese mountain dog
berni kennel
berni pásztorkutya
bernipásztor kennel
Best in Show
best of breed
energy jack
jack russell
jack russell kennel
jack russell terrier
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Contact Information

Annamária and Gábor Ziegler

Veresegyház, Hungary

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