Dog Shows

Split, 4 Summer Night Dog Shows 2021

We’ve never showed any of our dogs at the famous Summer Dog Shows of Split earlier.

But better late than never, Dorottya Záhonyi-Ábel took our proud n’ loud Amira to Split last weekend.

This year’s Jack Russell line-up was outstanding in Split and the achievement of our little princess as well.

She won the champion class every single day, three times was awarded with the Best of Opposite Sex title, and she is shining new Champion of Croatia!

Participating dogs

Best in Show at Sarajevo Winner 2021


Dam's name:
Kaszavölgyi-Fürge Chilly
Sire's name:
Original Master's Voice Lovesong RNB
Date of Birth:
18 November 2017
jack russell
jack russell kennel
jack russell terrier
Jack's best

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Contact Information

Annamária and Gábor Ziegler

Veresegyház, Hungary

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